วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

INTERVIEW (Tomyummungkood)

The most favorite Thai food.

They are come from Japan 2 persons, France 6 persons, Germany 4 persons,
Switzerland 2 persons, Netherlands 1 person, Sweden 1 person, and United Kingdom(UK) 4 persons.

They are nationality Japanese, French, German, Swiss, Dutch, Swedish, and British.

Gender :

Male : 8
Female : 12

Age :

20 - 25 : 9
26 - 30 : 7
31 - 35 : 3
60 up : 1

Foreigners like Thai food everybody.

Pad Thai is the most famous of Thai food.

Spice is charm of Thai food.

Foreigners sometime eat Thai food and usually know Tom Yum Gung.
