วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Unit1 Nice to meet you. (kapookapoo_kapik@hotmail.com)

การแนะนำ ทักทาย และอำลาObjective-Use of verb to be, do and have.-Say hello and good bye.-Introduce yourself and others.Put in Be (is,am,are)-You are late.-We are very well.-John and Ann in America.-I am happy today.-Ithink youare tired.Qusetions-Is John in bed?-Is Marie from Paris?-Are we very late?-Is the boos in Japan?-Is his car fast?Pasitive(I,You,We,They) have(He,She,It) hasNegative(I,You,We,They) don't have(He,SShe,It) doesn't haveInterregative(I,You,We,They) Do(I,You,We,They) have?(He,She,It) Does (I,You,We,They) have?
